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Tips and rules for climbers

Tips for climbers
 Check your climbing equipment before you go climbing
•    Train regularly and climb only the routes which are suitable for your current skill level
•    Gather information about the routes you want to climb
•    Test your own and you partner's knowledge of handling the equipment and techniques
•    Warm up before climbing
•    Communicate with your partner
•    Protect your head (wear a helmet!)
•    For climbing long routes it is advisable to bring a set of nuts, some cams and ropes.

Code of conduct at the climbing site
•    Climbing is permitted only at the climbing site in Velika Paklenica canyon
•    Full climbing equipment must be used (helmet!)
•    Do not climb alone; solo climbing is prohibited!
•    Setting up new or changing existing routes without permission of the Public Institution is strictly prohibited
•    You climb at your own risk
•    We recommend you report all complaints and any possible flaws concerning the climbing site at the Reception desk at the Park entrance or send them via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
•    All information about the routes is available in Paklenica Climbing Guide (author: B. Čujić, published by Astroida d.o.o., Zagreb)

•    To prevent terrain erosion, walk only on marked routes
•    While climbing, be careful not to knock down any stones – you may hurt someone!
•    There are many endemic plant species on the rocks in the canyon. Don’t pick or harm them.
•    A large number of birds nest on the rocks. Don’t disturb them and if you come across a nest with eggs on the route, please inform us about it!
•    Due to the presence of rare or endangered animal or plant species, some routes may be closed for climbers.
•    Don’t damage trees and bushes
•    Take your rubbish with you, don’t leave anything behind
•    Noise also pollutes the environment. Don’t make too much noise (don’t shout) while climbing
•    Camping is not permitted in Paklenica National Park!

•    Keep calm and keep others calm
•    Protect yourself and the injured person from any immediate danger (from falling, falling rocks, suffocating, cold, humidity, etc.) as best you can
•    Provide first aid to the injured person to the best of your abilities
•    Mark the location of the accident and the location of the injured person  (especially in winter)
•    Urgently inform the CMRS!

In case of an accident, call 112!
CMRS Station Zadar 091/721-0010